Hallowell Board of Trade

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Antique Clock Repair

Johnson-Marsano Antiques

Josiah Smith Antiques

Merrill's Bookshop

Poet's Antiques

Water Street Mercantile

Timeless Treasures


hit counter



Poet's Antiques

Poet's Antiques
138 Water St.Hallowell, ME 04347
Fine art. Something for everything and everyone!
Owner: Edward B. Leaman
Business Hours:
Phone: 207-622-2322 Cell: 978-807-3564


Water Street Mercantile

Water Street Mercantile "Antiques N' Things" 136 Water Street, Hallowell, Me. 04347
A great shop in one of Hallowell's most historic buildings featuring antiques, furniture, oriental rugs, lighting, mirrors and much more. A must see!
Owner: Annie Vining
Business Hours: Tuesday, Friday & Saturday 10:00-5:00 Wednesday & Thursday 10:00-3:00 Closed Sunday & Monday
    Phone: 207-621-0625



Timeless Treasures

Timeless Treasures
140 Water Street, Hallowell, Me. 04347
A unique antique store featuring a large selection of coins, currency, jewelry, glass, china, tools and much more. Gold ands silver bought and sold daily.
Owner: Adam Patterson
Business Hours: Winter Tuesday - Saturday 10 - 5 Summer 7 days 10 - 5
Phone: 207-621-0444 cell 737-857-0763




All photos the work of Nancy McGinnis, unless otherwise credited -

Hallowell Area Board of Trade
PO Box 246 Hallowell. Maine 04347
E-mail us at info@hallowell.org 207-620-7477

Last Update: October 9th, 2008