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Senior Living
Hillside Terrace
21 Warren Street, Hallowell, Me. 04347
Situated on over an acre in Hallowell’s historic district, Hillside Terrace offers the highest level of assisted living care, in one of the neighborhood’s most gracious homes. Hillside Terrace offers accommodations for 19 residents. All rooms are private with a bathroom, so residents can receive personal care with dignity, while enjoying common areas with friends and family. Residents live in Victorian style and are served three home-cooked meals a day in our elegant dining room.
Owner: Lon Walters
Hours:24 hours a day
Phone: 207-622-5644 Fax: 207-621-8175
Email www.hillsideterracehallowell.com |
Granite Hill Estates
60 Balsam Drive, Hallowell, ME 04347
Granite Hill Estates is a continuing care retirement community for people 62 and better offering cottages, spacious apartments in the Maine Lodge, Martha Ballard Assisted Living and, for those with memory loss, the Reflections Neighborhood.
Contact : Steve Roy, Director of Sales and Marketing
Executive Director: Jennifer Fleck
Business Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Phone: 207-626-7786 Toll Free Phone: 888-231-1119 Fax: 207-626-7762
Email www.granitehillestates.com |
Woodlands Assisted Living of Hallowell
152 Winthrop St. Hallowell, ME 04347
Setting the standard for assisted living. Opened in 2005, Woodlands Assisted Living of Hallowell consists of two assisted living facilities under one roof; a Residential Care Facility for seniors and an Alzheimer's Care Residence for people with Alzheimer's disease.
Owner : Woodlands Assisted Living, Inc.
Business Hours: Monday-Friday 9-5
Phone: 207-623-3396 Fax 207-623-2959
Email www.woodlandsofhallowell.com |
All photos the work of Nancy McGinnis, unless otherwise credited - www.communicado.us
Hallowell Area Board of Trade
PO Box 246 Hallowell. Maine 04347
E-mail us at info@hallowell.org 207-620-7477 |